2024 Event Calendar

Event Information and entry forms

* Please note. The Otago & Southland Regions are combined with one qualification event.

Past results

View past results

Technical Regulations

Judging Criteria & Technical Regulations – Updated May 2023

Important information for new teachers and managers

  • music length and performance requirements may differ from other competitions you enter. Please ensure you check the technical regulations. E.g. music length, remaining on stage, etc.
  • competitions take place on a traditional theatre stage, not a 360o stage.
  • events are run on weekends during the day
  • we allow 6 weeks between regionals and nationals for the event which is furthest from the National venue
  • warmup space is provided at venues
  • photography and filming of your own crew is allowed
  • crews are able to watch other crews perform throughout the event (venue size permitting)

Judges feedback system

After each competition, crews are given the opportunity for feedback from the events judges. Judges are trained and supported by the federation. There are 5 scoring judges on a standard NSHHC panel, and a non scoring head judge who’s job it is to oversea the panel and outcomes.

National Championship

Held every year in September, crews from across New Zealand compete for National titles.
Crews need to qualify at one of the Regional competitions in order to gain a place at the National School’s Hip Hop Championship.

Hip Hop Unite

International pathway

Our Judging is based on international criteria, allowing an easy transition for crews to ‘Hip Hop Unite’. Each year the Hip Hop Unite New Zealand National Championship is held in June, where crews are selected to represent New Zealand at the Hip Hop Unite World Championships Follow Hip Hop Unite NZ on Facebook.